1. Object :

SXM PROVISIONING offers an online purchasing service via its website www.sxmprovisioning.com .

As such, it is specified that the Services of SXM PROVISIONING are only sales and delivery services for our various products and services offered on our website.

Specific care is taken to guarantee you the greatest freshness of the products as well as a personalized service so that everything is ready when you arrive at your destination.

These General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “T&Cs”) govern the relationship between Users and SXM PROVISIONING. Access to and use of the Platform and the services offered therein imply unreserved acceptance of these T&Cs.

SXM PROVISIONING reserves the right to modify the T&Cs. In this case, the new version of the T&Cs will be available on the Platform. In any case, the User will only be bound by the only version of the T&Cs in force at the time the User places his Order.

2- Services:

The use of the Platform and the Services offered therein is free.
The User must first ensure that:

  • He is legally capable (over the age of 18, not incapacitated, or an emancipated minor);
  • He has the means and skills necessary to access the Platform (in particular the compatibility of his computer equipment with the Platform). The User waives the right to rely later on any incompatibility or lack of access to the Platform.

2.1- Consulting:

The User can access the Platform and consult the offers offered without first needing to identify himself on the Platform. Indeed, to consult the proposed offers.

It is then proposed to the User to choose the desired day and time of collection or delivery. The day and time of collection or delivery, as well as the postal address, may determine the list of available Merchants. The User can modify at any time, until confirmation of his basket, the place, date and time of withdrawal or delivery. In this case, the availability of Merchants and products may change. The User is warned by a system of alerts of changes to his basket.

The consultation of the offers by the User can be carried out in the following way:

  • The User consults the catalog of products available on our website. He can obtain more information about a product by pressing the product cell concerned.

Measurement and weight of the products: the products are sold by weight or by sales unit, which correspond to a piece, a lot or a slice whose approximate weight is expressed in grams or liters. When purchasing fresh products, this may vary and may not be the exact weight ordered. A margin of error of +- 15% may be observed on certain products.

  • If one or more offers correspond to the User’s expectations, all he has to do is add them to his basket by pressing the “Add” button. It is possible for the User to order the same product several times.
  • Consultation of the basket: the User can at any time consult his basket, add or remove products, add comments intended for the Merchant to best prepare his Order, and take note of any minimum order (a fixed price of 8 dollars and add for orders less than 50 dollars). The price of the Order (including the price of delivery) is indicated and updated as the User’s basket changes.

The total amount of the Order and the delivery is indicated in the basket in Dollars and taxes included.

The catalog of products available on the Platform may change when it is updated, and thus the availability, price, origin and essential characteristics of the products may vary at each consultation or even during the consultation. of the User. When a product is ordered and is no longer available for delivery, it can be replaced while respecting the main characteristics and the quantity without specifically notifying the customer.

The Order becomes firm and final upon validation by the User of his Order in accordance with Article 2.3.


Once the products are in the User’s basket, to be able to order, the User must press the “Order” button and identify themselves on the Platform.

By connecting to the Platform by means of a registration, the user has taken note of the conditions specified in article 2.11 of these T&Cs, by creating an account by providing their surname, first name, email address , phone number, and password. These identifiers will allow the User to access his account during any subsequent connection to the Platform.

The User acknowledges that the use that will be made of the identifiers or of any connection to the Platform under his identity is entirely his responsibility. In this respect, the User undertakes to access the Platform only with his own identifiers or under his own identity, to carry out all acts within the Platform under his own identifiers or his own identity and not to communicate in in no case its identifiers to a third party.

In the event of forgetting, loss or misuse of identifiers by a third party, the User may request that a new password be generated via the Platform.

In the event of loss or misuse of their identifiers or identity by a third party, the User undertakes to immediately inform SXM PROVISIONING at the following email address: contact@sxmprovisioning.com

The processing of the User’s personal data is subject to the « Protection of your personal data »

2.3- Orders:

After identifying on the Platform, the User will be able to finalize their Order by following the following procedure:

  • View the summary of his Order (desired delivery time, total amount, address, villa name);
  • Confirm delivery instructions to the desired address.
  • Validate his mobile phone number;
  • Indicate a payment method for the Order from among the payment methods accepted by SXM PROVISIONING;
  • Press the “Pay” button; and thus authorize the debit of the price of the Order by one of the accepted means of payment (Visa, MasterCard, other Bank Cards) on a server and a secure page. The payment may be subject to a 3D Secure check. In this respect, the User guarantees to have the necessary authorizations to use his means of payment.

By agreeing to contract on the basis of these conditions, the User explicitly acknowledges his obligation to pay. Once the Order is confirmed, payment is due and the amount is reserved to be debited. The Order is considered final.

The User then receives an email confirming the registration of his Order.

For better processing of your orders and to guarantee maximum availability, we advise you to place your orders at least 48HRS before the delivery date. Passing this deadline SXM PROVISIONING cannot guarantee delivery of the entire order. In case of lack during the order, a refund of the missing product(s) can be made.

SXM PROVISIONING certifies that bank card details are encrypted using the system approved by the Stripe system and never pass unencrypted over the network. Note that for payment by bank card, it is recalled that the provisions relating to the fraudulent use of payment by bank card provided for in the agreements concluded between the User and the issuer of the bank card and between SXM PROVISIONING and its banking institution, apply.

2.4- Cancellation or modification of an Order:

The User does not have the possibility of canceling or modifying the definitive Order, i.e. after the confirmation of the means of payment, except in the event of non-compliance of the Order with the conditions provided for in article 2.6, failure to deliver under the conditions provided for in article 2.8 or force majeure under the conditions provided for in article 6.

Indeed, the Order relating to goods likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly, in accordance with Article L. 221-28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal provided for in Article L. 221-5 of the consumption cannot be exercised with SXM PROVISIONING. Consequently, no request for reimbursement in this context is admissible.

However, if the User wishes to cancel or modify a final Order, he may contact our Customer Service without delay, who will attempt, without however this constituting any obligation on the part of SXM PROVISIONING, to cancel the Order or obtain its agreement. on a modification of the Order placed before its processing.

2.5- Availability:

SXM PROVISIONING may refuse for exceptional reasons (exceptional closure of the Merchant, absence of Products, etc.) all or part of the Orders. In this case, Customer Service may contact the User to try to find a replacement solution. The User can accept the replacement solution or refuse, in which case the Product initially chosen will be deleted from the User’s Order and the price of the Product concerned will be reduced from the total of the invoice, the rest of the Order remaining due.

In any case, SXM PROVISIONING reserves the right to cancel any Order from a User with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous Order.

2.6- Compliance of the Order:

The User is informed that it is impossible to return to SXM PROVISIONING the goods which prove to be non-compliant.

SXM PROVISIONING is liable for lack of conformity of the goods under the conditions of articles L.217-4 and following of the consumer code and hidden defects of the thing sold under the conditions provided for in articles 1641 and following of the civil code. In the event of finding a hidden defect or a lack of conformity of goods, the User must contact our Customer Service.

Any Order paid for in whole or in part with a purchase voucher, promotional or reduction voucher or by benefiting from any individual or collective promotional offer, can only be reimbursed, if applicable, in a purchase voucher, promotional voucher or reduction, and/or taking into account the said professional offer.

2.8- Delivery:

All deliveries are made by us, the goods are checked and in the event of non-compliance withdrawn by us and replaced as far as possible.

Deliveries are made mainly in the afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., the customer can request a special delivery and this will be accepted if possible by SXM PROVISIONING.

2.9- Customer Service:

Customer satisfaction is very important to SXM PROVISIONING. Our Customer Service will undertake, as far as possible, to take all the necessary measures and actions in order to provide the most complete satisfaction to customers.

The client has the possibility of making observations by noting the services or by leaving comments via the Platform under the conditions of article 9.1. These Observations are important to enable SXM PROVISIONING to assess the quality of the services provided.

In the event that the User is not satisfied with the fulfillment of the Orders by SXM PROVISIONING, with the quality of the products or services of any kind provided by our service, he has in any case the possibility of specify in the Observations.

If the User of a service is not satisfied with the product(s) and services provided by the Merchant and wishes to obtain a refund or any compensation, he must contact SXM PROVISIONING Customer Service. Customer Service will attempt to assist customers with their requests.

2.10- Orders relating to alcoholic beverages:

In accordance with the terms of article L. 80 of the Code of drinking establishments and measures against alcoholism, the sale of alcohol to minors is prohibited. Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. It should therefore be consumed and enjoyed in moderation. By the mere fact of placing an Order via our Platform, the User expressly waives the benefit of article 1587 of the Civil Code, which provides that the conclusion of the sale of wine only becomes final after tasting and approval of the Buyer. Any Order placed on behalf of a minor, or in his name, and including one or more alcoholic beverages if we are aware of them, will be refused. Violation of the foregoing engages the responsibility of the User.

In the event of an order for alcoholic beverages, the User’s date of birth may be verified upon delivery.

SXM PROVISIONING vend des produits en ligne mais n’est pas soumis à l’obligation de posséder une “licence à emporter”

3- Personal data:

SXM PROVISIONING collects and processes personal data relating to the User in order to manage the provision of the Services and/or to send commercial documentation by post and/or email and to answer any questions from the User. These personal data are processed by SXM PROVISIONING in accordance with its Privacy Policy and in compliance with the regulations in force and in particular the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 as amended on August 6. 2004.

Users are reminded that in accordance with the provisions of articles 39 and 40 of the law relating to data processing, files and freedoms of January 6, 1978 as amended on August 6, 2004, they have a right of access and rectification of personal data concerning them.

Users can exercise these rights by contacting SXM PROVISIONING by email at the following address: contact@sxmprovisioning.com .

4- Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These General Conditions are governed by French law. In the event of disputes, the parties may submit their dispute to mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution. In the absence of an alternative settlement of the dispute within thirty (30) days of the dispute, the French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.